Wednesday, August 12, 2015

User Interface Changes – Are They Worth It?

I read a terrific blog post last month regarding the problems that result when websites or computer applications change their user interfaces.  We discuss below.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Upcoming JTC Webinar on eBench and Judicial Tools

The Joint Technology Committee (JTC) of COSCANACM and the NCSC will host a webinar on Thursday, August 20, 2015 at 2:00pm EDT.  The topic will be "eBench and Dashboards – Making a Case for Judicial Tools".

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Legacy Systems, Cost Savings, Yes… But the Risk?

Many courts use very old computer software and hardware systems.  They save a lot of money doing that; but there are dangers that we discuss below.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

JTC Electronic Court Records Webinar Redux

The Joint Technology Committee (JTC) of COSCA and NACM recently conducted a webinar on "Developing an Electronic Court Records Disposition and Preservation Plan."  Huge demand and technical difficulties encountered the first time around prevented many from connecting to the webinar.  So the JTC is presenting this webinar again this Thursday, July 23, 2015 at 1:00pm EDT.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Highlighting Some CTC-2015 Education Sessions

We share some CTC-2015 sessions that you might consider when attending the upcoming conference. But this article is mainly to show a sample of the outstanding conference content coming this fall in Minneapolis.

Monday, July 13, 2015

CTC 2015 Keynote - The Innovation Imperative

CTC’s keynote speaker will be Mark Britton, Founder and CEO of Avvo, the world's largest community for legal guidance and services. Britton's keynote, which will open CTC 2015 on Tuesday morning, September 22, 2015 will address "The Innovation Imperative." Britton will argue how the justice system can more effectively embrace innovation. Britton will explore how innovation has transformed services in many other industries—medical, transportation, food, and travel—and says it's time for the justice system step up its pace and develop systems that foster innovation. You won't want to miss this inspiring and motivating opening session that will set the tone for three great days of learning and networking.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

An early July, 2015 edition of This and That in Court Technology

A summer Iowa corn field
Lots and lots to share including news from Iowa, Texas, Arkansas,  US Federal Court’s OSCAR system, a new records management app, and tips for “mobile warriors”.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Macomb County Clerk and Uber Partner to Deliver Jurors to Courthouse

Via press release, Macomb County, MI (June 30, 2015)

"In Macomb County, a jury summons now comes with a driver, providing on-demand transportation to and from the Courthouse. Macomb County Jurors will receive an Uber code good for a $20 ride each way or $40 round trip to and from the courthouse.  In most cases, the code will cover the full cost of a ride.  The ride must start or end at the Macomb County Circuit Court Building in Mount Clemens, and the cost will depend on the distance from a juror’s home.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Professor Frederic Lederer Honored

Photo courtesy of Stephen Hansen

We were very happy to learn that NCSC/W&M Law School Courtroom 21 project co-founder, Professor Fred Lederer was honored by the Judge Advocates Foundation on May 26 with the Chief Justice John Marshall Lifetime Achievement Award, the Foundation's highest honor. Lederer received the award at a dinner in Arlington, Va., sponsored by the Foundation and the Judge Advocates Association. The Judge Advocates General of all of the armed forces and numerous other present and retired senior officers attended the event.

"We are fortunate that Fred's love of the law and interest in technology have combined to drive the development and implementation of legal technology worldwide," Dunn said.  In addition to transforming the law school's McGlothlin Courtroom into "a laboratory courtroom of the future," she said he "anticipated and helped create many of the innovations in legal technology."

Dunn shared Lederer's wide-ranging endeavors with the audience. In addition to being a "go-to speaker," he has participated in more than 300 international forums. He also has written dozens of articles on legal technology, military law, criminal procedure and evidence. He has trained "generations of law students and practitioners in the use of courtroom technology."  Judges, business executives, and courtroom professionals from around the globe seek out his expertise. "Because of him, Williamsburg is a world legal technology mecca," she said."

The full press release is available here.  Congratulations Fred!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Even More This and That in Court Tech – June, 2015

2,500 year old Babylonian clay tablet
Remember that CTC-2015 is only three months away.  See for more.  This week's post notes the CITOC Innovation Awards nominations, IJIS, PDF, NAJIS conferences, South Africa recognizes E-signatures, Michigan state court videoconferencing, M-Disc, and a funny from Harvard Business Review.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

USB Flash Drive Insecurity and Video Evidence

Recently there was a discussion among CITOC members regarding the increasing use of video from a variety of sources in courtrooms (including law enforcement patrol cars and body cameras).  One solution suggested was to have this evidence delivered by USB Flash Drive for replay in the courtroom because the “Stick” could be left with the court for evidence.  This may or may not be a good solution; we discuss below…

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Rwanda Court Pre-Filing E-Filing System

Chief Justice of Rwanda, Prof. Sam Rugege

Earlier this year I visited the courts in Kigali, Rwanda.  They showed me their E-filing system that I didn’t really understand until now.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Court Case Management Systems Part 17: Dashboards

Dashboards are a “particular means of communication” – Stephen Few

In this part of our ongoing CCMS series we will discuss dashboard functionality.  To do this we will split the discussion into two parts.  In the first part we will discuss court administration/ management dashboards.  And in the second part we will talk about dashboards that may be able to facilitate judicial caseload management.

(Information and Dashboard Design – Second Edition - )

Friday, May 22, 2015

JTC Webinar on E-Records Disposition and Preservation

The Joint Technology Committee (JTC) of COSCA and NACM will host a webinar on Wednesday, June 24, 2015 at 1:00pm EDT.  The topic will be "Developing an Electronic Court Records Disposition and Preservation Plan."

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Vermont Seeks Case Management Systems Information

The Vermont Office of the Court Administrator has issued a Request for Information for a "Next Generation Case Management System".

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Case Management Global Summit

My colleague, John Matthias and I will be speaking at the BPM Case Management Global Summit conference at the Ritz-Carlson Hotel in Pentagon City, Virginia (Arlington) on June 22, 2015.  The full conference will run from the 22-24th.

Government employees can attend Days 1 & 2 of the Summit for free! Days 1 & 2 plus an all-day Workshop on Day 3 is only $495. Register using your .gov or other government-based to receive the special rate.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Georgia Supreme Court Committee Issues E-Filing Design RFP'

On May 15, 2015 the Supreme Court of Georgia Statewide Judiciary Civil E-filing Steering Committee has issued a Request for Proposal (RFP)
for an independent statewide review and design recommendation for a single sign-on E-filing portal.

The project is scheduled to start in June, 2015 and be completed prior to August, 2015.

Click here for the full PDF proposal.

Proposals are due by 5:00 PM EDT on Monday, June 1, 2015

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Smart Forms – Helping the Self-Represented, Helping the Courts

One of the things that we teach here at the NCSC is that court internet web services need to be oriented to the user’s requirements. And, in turn control how information is presented for adjudication. Smart Forms provide one successful approach to address this need.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

This and That in Court Tech - May, 2015

In this months article, a commentary on the ABA Blue Sky Agenda, Texas E-filing rollout data, social media training ordered for a judge, Ravel Law launches federal judge analytics, NIEM 10th anniversary, and a McMillan scholarship reminder for CTC-2015.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

CITOC Seminar on Electronic Criminal Environment

The Court Information Technology Officer Consortium (CITOC) Education Sub-Committee is pleased to host this webinar for CITOC members on Friday, May 15, 2015 at 1:00pm EST.  The topic will be Electronic Criminal Environment and will be hosted by Brett Howard from the Orange County Superior Court.