Thursday, December 16, 2021

Friday, December 10, 2021

Measuring Access to Justice


I stumbled across two outstanding articles on how to measure Access to Justice.  The first article is a summary posted on by Ms. Rachel Wang that analyzes the second by Mr. Hugh McDonald UC Irvine Law Review article titled “Assessing Access to Justice: How Much “Legal” Do People Need and How Can We Know? 

In short, why has it taken this long to ask the questions posed in these articles?

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

New Tools to Use Documents as a Data Source


Continuing the general theme of earlier CTB articles here, here, and here on using documents as the database for context, analysis, and data entry; we saw an article from today that lists tools by AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Document AI that “can parse your unstructured documents and produce structured information for all kinds of digital transformation use cases”.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Beam (my language) up, Simultaneous Interpretation Feature Added to Virtual Proceedings Platforms

Created by Yu luck, Noun Project
By Konstantina Vagenas, NCSC

At the onset of the pandemic, courts pivoted overnight to virtual hearings to comply with health and safety guidelines.  Court interpreters were required to provide their services remotely via court-approved and licensed videoconferencing platforms. Among these, WebEx and Zoom were the most common. The major challenge in these proceedings was the absence of an integrated, simultaneous interpretation channel, which interpreters overcame by adding an additional audio device, usually a personal mobile phone—a suboptimal solution.  Within a few weeks, the court interpreting world was abuzz with the advantages offered by Zoom’s embedded simultaneous court interpreting channels. Like characters in Star Trek, interpreters were being “beamed up” to virtual courtrooms.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Webinars, Videos, and Bears Oh My!


Just kidding about the Bears.  There have been a lot of training and information sessions posted online lately plus some court pandemic response training and ODR news.  Check it out below.

Monday, November 1, 2021

Nevada AOC Issues CMS RFP

The Nevada Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC), a judicial branch department that assists the Supreme Court of Nevada with the administration of the Nevada courts, invites submissions of offers for up-to-three AOC-sponsored, integrated, comprehensive, case management system(s) (CMS) and associated implementation services in compliance with the requirements and terms set forth in this RFP.

Please see; for details. Vendors, please monitor the webpage for updates. The deadline for submission of offers is December 13, 2021, at 3:00 PM Pacific Time.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

The IJIS Courts Advisory Committee (ICAC) Presents Digital Evidence Training Event


Via press release from the IJIS Institute:

Over the past several years, our society has seen an influx of advanced technology solutions that have made available a tsunami of structured and unstructured data about our lives, our public safety, and our disputes. As a result, law enforcement, prosecutors, defense counsels, the private bar, and the courts are all faced with an abundant amount of data (both relevant and irrelevant) for investigations, discovery, and court cases. The collection of this data ultimately requires a great deal of time and effort by public safety and criminal justice practitioners globally. How should our law enforcement and court communities adapt to this increased demand for the collection, vetting, management, and sharing of digital evidence?

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

This and That in Court Technology - October 2021


Fall leaves via

In this months post, we share news and notes from Tiny Chat on Text Messaging, a very nice online forms website from Washington state, news regarding a new US federal judiciary vulnerability policy, news of good work being done by the District Court in Bernalillo County, New Mexico, practical information on PDF file formats from the US Library of Congress, and a last-minute call for participation in the annual Trends in State Courts report.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Some Practical Advice on File Naming Conventions


Continuing with our practical advice October...

Courts create a lot of document files.  Some of those files get uploaded, saved, and organized in the court's case management or electronic document management systems.  And some courts use tools like SharePoint.  But even these tools can benefit from a consistent useful file naming standard.  I looked online and found two excellent pages on the subject. 

More below…

Friday, October 8, 2021

Authentication, E-Signatures. and Signet Rings

 A recent article noted the wider adoption of e-signatures by lawyers (you know, our court users). But what is the historic basis for this?  Signet rings. We discuss this below...


Friday, October 1, 2021

Closing the Electronic Loop and Automating Processes Along the Way


John Gustafson & Jim McMillan at CTC2021

We are happy to share the winner of the CTC McMillan Scholarship, John Gustafson, Data Quality Manager, First Judicial Circuit of Florida.  I was happy to meet John at the conference and learn more about his great work for the court.  His award winning submission follows.  

Monday, September 20, 2021

How to Get the Most from CTC2021 with Exhibitors and Sponsors


Exhibitors and sponsors are a fundamental part of the CTC experience.

There are dozens of booths in the exhibit hall.  One can plan your in-person visit with our online exhibit hall map so you don’t miss anything.

Online attendees will be able to reach out to exhibitors via our NCSC app during the conference. It is recommended that you download and install (or update) the app prior to the conference starting on September 28th so you don’t miss anything.

Our sponsors have also prepared some top-tier education sessions that shouldn’t be missed. The sessions will cover a broad range of subjects, including virtual solutions, inclusivity, mitigating user expectations, artificial intelligence, pretrial software, and futureproofing your court.

We’re looking forward to seeing you in Columbus and online!


Thoughts on Notes

As has happened many times in the past I was prompted by the most recent NCSC Tiny Chat on the Hawai’i Online Dispute Resolution system that preparing notes on one’s legal issue in dispute could be useful?  That got me to look at what web-based notes applications are available? There are a lot!

Friday, September 10, 2021

Court Tech News and Notes for September 2021


September means “back to school” days.  Learning for my court tech friends includes CourtStack CMS training, the upcoming LegalXML Electronic Court Filing (ECF) face to face meeting at CTC 2021, planning for new Microsoft Teams capabilities, and Ontario’s new legal innovation regulatory sandbox project.


Thursday, September 2, 2021

Register for CTC2021 Livestream Access Today


Registration for livestream access is ready. If you’re planning to attend CTC 2021 online, now’s the time to sign up. Here’s how it works.

We recognize that not everyone is able to travel to Columbus, so we’re excited to share that registration for livestream access is ready. If you’re planning to attend CTC 2021 online, now’s the time to sign up. 

Here’s how it works.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Texas Awards Statewide CMS Contracts


Presidio County Courthouse


Via press release, August 31, 2021 – The Texas Office of Court Administration (OCA) announced today that it has selected three vendors to support Texas’ new statewide Uniform Case Management System (UCMS). The system is an opt-in court case management system aimed at supporting Texas counties with a population less than 20,000 which equates to over half of the state’s 254 Counties.


Thursday, August 19, 2021

New Legal Document Tools Announced

Documents are the summer wheat that we make our court case bread (final product) from.  We have two interesting announcements to share in this week’s post from The Effectiveness Project and LegalXML LegalRuleML.


Thursday, August 12, 2021

CTC-2021 Complete Conference Schedule Updated


Conference staff has been hard at work working out the details of CTC 2021. Those details include getting the schedule organized. Today, we’re pleased to announce the conference schedule has been updated with session and track information.

Click here to see the new schedule.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

This and That in Court Technology, August 2021


In this month’s collection of notes we have news about an online forms creation website, punishment for abuse of social media by posting a judge's personal information, ideas for "engineering gatherings", New Mexico finishing their statewide E-filing implementation project, the new NCSC's Courthouse Retrospective report, CCJ/COSCA support for remote and virtual hearings, and a cool new data tool.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Thursday, July 22, 2021

West Virginia Issues RFP for CMS/EDMS/E-Filing


The Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia is issuing a Request for Proposal (RFP) to acquire an electronic court case management solution comprised of case management, document management, and e-file management systems for the new Intermediate Court of Appeals created in 2021 by the West Virginia Legislature.  

The initial focus of the project will be on the new court with the possibility of future expansion to other levels of the West Virginia Judiciary. The deadline for submission is October 1, 2021. Please click on the link provided below to access the West Virginia Judiciary Request for Proposals Webpage.


Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Text Analytics, Court Stats, and Privacy


A couple of weeks ago I shared some of “my problems with pending case statistics”.  Before that, I posted another note regarding an alternative for analyzing criminal justice data.  I generally try not to complain about things without having a solution in mind.  In this article, I will share the idea of using text analytics to work with a court’s largest data source, case documents, and reports.

Monday, July 12, 2021

CTC2021 Keynote Speaker - Peter Warren Singer Announced


We’re happy to announce this year’s keynote speaker, Peter Warren Singer. Named one of the nation’s 100 leading innovators by Smithsonian Magazine, Singer is a notable influencer, global thinker, and “mad scientist” by organizations including Defense News, Foreign Policy, and the U.S. Army’s Training and Doctrine Command.

A strategist and senior fellow at the think tank New America, Singer is an award-winning author of novels and non-fiction books about military privatization, robotics, the weaponization of social media, and cyberwar and cybersecurity.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Some Great NCSC Tiny Chat Sessions


My friends in the NCSC Tiny Chat Division, have been doing some terrific work lately. Here is a selection of some interesting and fun sessions.


Tuesday, June 29, 2021

CTC2021 Scholarship Applications Sought


2015 finalists:: Cynthia Marr, Audrey Jun, and Chris Lundquist

The National Center for State Courts is pleased to announce a call for applications for the James E. McMillan Award (McMillan Award) for Innovation in Court Technology.  The winner, selected by a committee of court technology experts, will receive a full scholarship to attend CTC 2021 in Columbus, OH, September 28-29, 2021.  This full scholarship includes a waiver of conference registration, four nights accommodation at a conference hotel, and round-trip travel expenses. The approximate value of this scholarship is $2,000.



Friday, June 25, 2021

Education is Core to CTC


The National Center for State Courts is excited to deliver the ideas, information, and strategies to put technology to work in our courts. Education is the reason we host the Court Technology Conference. As usual, we’re featuring multiple education tracks covering practical applications of technology and innovation. This year, there’s a particular focus on what we can learn from our pandemic experiences.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

A New NCSC ODR Evaluation Measures Report


NCSC Releases Evaluation and Performance Measures Framework for Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Programs

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, state courts accelerated efforts to implement online dispute resolution (ODR) programs that offer litigants a software platform in which to resolve legal problems, including negotiating settlements or exchanging information in preparation for in-court hearings.  

Friday, June 18, 2021

Why I Hate "Pending Case" Statistics?


One of my more strongly held observations from working with court data is the statistical perceptions of case backlogs, or “pending cases” as they are generally used are simply wrong.  I think that this is because they often do not really describe the court’s caseload situation.  I explain...


Tuesday, June 15, 2021

50th Anniversary of the NCSC

Today marks the 50th Anniversary of the incorporation of the National Center for State Courts.  The "founding moment happened on March 11, 1971.  

Our press release said:

"It was 50 years ago — March 11, 1971 — that the First National Conference on the Judiciary opened at the Williamsburg Conference Center in Williamsburg, Virginia.

Friday, June 11, 2021

A Plan for the Federal Courts CM/ECF


Alpine Texas Federal Courthouse

The US Government General Services Administration’s 18F Team performed an “11-week Path Analysis on the federal judiciary’s Case Management and Electronic Case Files (CM/ECF) system. Our research focused on user needs, business agility, organization and processes, and the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts’ (AO) culture and legal mandates.”

We discuss below.


Friday, June 4, 2021

Nevada Appellate Courts CIO Position Announced


Full details and application are available through NeoGov  The posting closes on June 25, 2021.

The Chief Information Officer’s (CIO) role is to provide vision and leadership for identifying, acquiring and implementing information technologies for the Nevada Appellate Courts.  The CIO consults and collaborates with the State Court Administrator/Director of the AOC, Clerk of Court, Supreme Court Justices, the Judicial Council Technology Committee, Supreme Court IT Steering Committee, and other committees as necessary to develop statewide information technology policies, strategies, and standards. 

15 Months


Abraham Lincoln as a young lawyer

Stating the obvious, since March 2020 we have seen massive changes in court and work/office organization and communications.  The pandemic forced changes to process, office, and data design that embrace the new virtual environment.  But first, we must discuss some pushback.

Friday, May 28, 2021

This and That in Court Tech – May 2021


We have been saving a lot (and I mean “a lot) of interesting items to share in recent weeks.  We have news about court data analytics in California, an academic paper questioning the use of arrest data in policy development, a new justice index ranking report for USA courts, a report on Fines and Fees policies, the application of microeconomics for policy development, the NIEM JSON Specification, Version 5.0 release candidate 2, Ohio Court News on sealed records, England and Wales reports on the results of their divorce online system, applying the PDF A-4 standard for permanent digital records, and an excellent Tiny Chat.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

“Fixing” Criminal Justice Data and My Alternative Approach


Last month, the Arnold Ventures group released a report titled “We Need Criminal Justice Data That Doesn’t Exist.  Here’s How the Biden Administration Can FixIt.”

This is a subject near and dear to me as I have been working on much of this for a long time.  I agree with many parts of the report.  However, I was disappointed to see that the full report missed many standards and frameworks that have been previously built?  More below...

Friday, May 7, 2021

CTC 2021 First Announcements


For CTC 2021, we're taking a hybrid approach to the Center's premier court technology conference. You can attend online or join us in Columbus, Ohio, from September 28–29, 2021.

While we don't have all the details ironed out, we're looking forward to hosting attendees no matter how you choose to attend.

Monday, May 3, 2021

A 50 State Court Covid-19 Operations List


The Justia legal information company has posted a compendium of state court Covid-19 operations in all 50 states.

They write that “State court systems across the country have significantly altered their operations in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Many courts initially limited proceedings to only the most essential and urgent matters, such as arraignments and restraining order hearings."

"While most jurisdictions are beginning to resume at least some of their normal operations, courts often are still striving to conduct as many proceedings remotely as possible. Jury trials are suspended or limited in some locations, although most states at least have planned strategies for resuming them.”

Click here to access the guide.

Congratulations to Justia for providing this useful resource. 


Also thank you to the US Federal Courts news for posting the picture of Chief Judge James K. Bredar wearing a plastic face shield and sit behind plexiglass when jury trials resume in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland that we show above.


Thursday, April 29, 2021

Announcement: IJIS eXCHANGE - Virtual Summit Series: Data is the Key


The IJIS Institute has scheduled two virtual Zoom seminars for Tuesday, June 15, 2021.  They write:

"From incident to final resolution and beyond, every action our courts take relies on accurate, complete, and timely data to best-inform decisions about people, cases, process, and policy. Join your colleagues from practice and industry at our technology summit on Tuesday, June 15th to dive into our courts' multifaceted data discussion - what we have and what we need - and the impact across the justice system and our communities."

Friday, April 16, 2021

April 2021 Court Tech Notes


We share some news and notes in this week’s CTB post.  We note a speech-to-text AI demo video, text reminders, an event on transitioning your workforce back to the courthouse,  yet another article on "Zoom courts", an NCSC Tiny Chat regarding court cell phone policy, and the NCSC website on pandemic response webinars that were recorded in 2020.


Wednesday, April 7, 2021

New AI Enhanced Scanning Tech Speeds Security


Earlier this month I was reading the opening day story about my Chicago Cubs baseball club and stumbled on the news that they have installed new AI-enhanced person scanning devices (pictured).  The big benefit of this new technology is that one does not have to remove keys, mobile phone, or have your bag separately scanned.  Great, right?

Details below...

Friday, April 2, 2021

Three Court Tech Events of Note


My inbox received notices about three upcoming events that could be of interest to the court technology community.  They are by Microsoft partner, Pythagoras in the UK; the Online Courtroom Project; and the latest in the World Justice Challenge 2021 competition.  Additional details are listed below.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

A List Web Conferencing Transcription Systems


Microsoft announced an AI-powered live transcription service (AI we can use BTW) in Microsoft Teams, answering Zoom’s new feature.  That got me thinking that they are not alone, as we share below...




Wednesday, March 17, 2021

National Institute of Justice AI Articles Series


Via press release, March 16, 2021.

NIJ has released a four-part series on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Criminal Justice System.

Through the National Criminal Justice Reference Service, NIJ has made available the following final technical reports (these reports are the result of NIJ-funded projects but were not published by the U.S. Department of Justice).

The third article in the series specifically discusses AI in the criminal courts.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Courts on the Go


Legal technology writer Molly McDonough posted an article about the Utah Outreach Court ( That court takes a courtroom to the litigants, in some instances to the homeless person's campsite, using a repurposed mobile command center vehicle and tents.

Monday, March 8, 2021

Smoke Tests Protect Courtroom Air From COVID-19

Published by press release on March 4, 2021, in US Courts News

"Even as vaccines begin to protect the public from the coronavirus (COVID-19), one of the Judiciary’s biggest priorities is ensuring that the air inside courtrooms and hallways remains safe as courts schedule more in-person legal proceedings.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

A Court Public Data Access Proposal – Yes, but…


My friend Bob Ambrogi asked for comment during last Friday’s Legaltech Week Journalists’ Roundtable (an excellent discussion every week about our court customers). The discussion turned briefly to Jason Tashea's proposal via the initiative titled “Digitizing State Courts, Expanding Access to Justice”.  The following is my partial reply to the question asked.

I applaud Mr. Tashea for thinking about the problem. But I think there is a lot more to consider and there are additional options?  I explain…

Thursday, February 18, 2021

This and That in Court Technology - February 2021



Winter 2021

There is a massive amount of court technology news this month.  We learned about, US Federal Courts response to the Covid-19 pandemic, conference news from the Innovating Justice 2021 and Legalweek 2021 events, California’s CourtStack initiative, Mark Beer’s upcoming talk on AI support for judicial decision making, Seattle and King County’s impact and response to the pandemic caseload, the NACM video podcast on Teleworking, and proposed USA federal government rules on digital format archiving.