Monday, September 20, 2021

How to Get the Most from CTC2021 with Exhibitors and Sponsors


Exhibitors and sponsors are a fundamental part of the CTC experience.

There are dozens of booths in the exhibit hall.  One can plan your in-person visit with our online exhibit hall map so you don’t miss anything.

Online attendees will be able to reach out to exhibitors via our NCSC app during the conference. It is recommended that you download and install (or update) the app prior to the conference starting on September 28th so you don’t miss anything.

Our sponsors have also prepared some top-tier education sessions that shouldn’t be missed. The sessions will cover a broad range of subjects, including virtual solutions, inclusivity, mitigating user expectations, artificial intelligence, pretrial software, and futureproofing your court.

We’re looking forward to seeing you in Columbus and online!


Thoughts on Notes

As has happened many times in the past I was prompted by the most recent NCSC Tiny Chat on the Hawai’i Online Dispute Resolution system that preparing notes on one’s legal issue in dispute could be useful?  That got me to look at what web-based notes applications are available? There are a lot!