Wednesday, January 27, 2021

IJIS Institute National Symposium Announced


From the IJIS Institute

Join us virtually, February 17-18, 2021, for the IJIS Institute National Symposium. This event will highlight national priority initiatives benefiting all levels of government and brings together industry solution providers, government leaders, and representatives from nonprofit and academic organizations to network and collaborate in a neutral, non-sales environment. The National Symposium offers the unique opportunity to hear first-hand from state and local government officials and Federal government leaders.  


Tuesday, January 26, 2021

eCourts 2020 Session Replays Available Now


We’re happy to announce that all session replays from eCourts 2020 are now available at

Here are some highlights:

  • HR guru Tom Topping discussed outcome-driven approaches for leaders, managers, and staff that provide resilient models for success in a remote work environment—while creating a satisfying work experience for everyone.

  • Siobhan Gorman and Suzanne Spaulding shared information about what disinformation attacks could look like if they end up in your backyard and how you can prepare to respond.

  • David Slayton discussed the essential next steps to continue improving the technology and strategy to balance virtual and in-person services.

If you couldn’t make the conference, missed a session, or want to share a memorable session with a colleague, they’re all ready for you to watch in our eCourts 2020 Virtual Session Showcase.

Get the latest eCourts 2020 information at