Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Machine Intelligence Analyses Judges

I have predicted for a very long time that the “market research” that started with consumers in the 90’s with the advent of the Internet would be coming to the courts. LexisNexis made it official this week in their press release “LexisNexis Integrates Lex Machina Legal Analytics into Lexis Advance Online Legal Information Solution”

What does this mean?  I will begin the discussion below.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Courtrooms - How to Get Quiet

We used to say about computers that you can never have too much RAM or too much disk space.  Similarly in courtrooms one cannot make them too quiet.  We discuss why and how on this below.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

CourtHack 2.0 Coming - Spring, 2017

Robot lawyers that help file court appeals and geo-positioning technology that alerts police officers when court orders are being served in their area are just two of the innovative technologies developed at NCSC’s first CourtHack in 2016. It was so successful that CourtHack 2.0 is being held April 22-23, 2017, at the New Jersey Law Center in New Brunswick. CourtHack aims to attract the brightest legal minds, technologists, entrepreneurs, and others to compete in a 30-hour hackathon to develop technologies to improve the administration of justice.  Court experts, including judges, court administrators, and court CIOs from across the country, participate as mentors and advisors.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

This and That in Court Technology – January, 2017

Just like the National Football League (USA style pictured here), there is a lot of news regarding digital transformation.  The edition has notes on an American Bar Association report on E-Briefing, Nebraska appellate court E-filing, a Robot Lawyer application for parking tickets, a RAND corporation report on “Future Proofing” justice, commentary on potentially opening California legal publication, and a couple of technologies that need to be sent to the trash bin.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Friday, January 6, 2017

Court Tech Research & Training News – January, 2017

There have been several interesting articles, and research published related to court technology topics over the past several months.  In this post, we share articles on Decision Making, Online Access to State Judicial Systems, Evaluating the Use of Videoconferencing Technology in Domestic Violence Ex Parte Hearings, Blockchain technology as a regulatory technology, and a Free Webinar on Cybersecurity coming up on January 18, 2017.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

A Court Technology eFiling Winter Wonderland

Our mystery holiday songwriter has submitted a new version of the classic "Winter Wonderland" to celebrate the season.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

E-Courts Conference Presentations Video Available

Last weeks E-Courts Conference had an outstanding set of educational sessions.  They are now available online at:

I particularly enjoyed the sessions that offered solutions including::

  • Using Predictive Analysis to Prevent the Financial Exploitation of Elders
  • Three Real-World ODR Implementations
  • Litigant Portals
  • CourtHack Winners
  • Building Better Court Websites - and Beyond
  • New Models for Court Scheduling
  • Electronic Courtrooms in Pierce County, Washington

There are great ideas in all of the conference sessions, and if you weren't able to attend, or would like to share them with your court, you can now do so.  Congratulations to all for a great conference.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Kentucky Pretrial Services Virtual Tour

Via the December, 2016 SJI Newsletter

Hosted by the National Center for State Courts (NCSC), the Pretrial Justice Center for Courts is a national collaborative initiative featuring the latest efforts to develop and improve pretrial services. Recently, Kentucky Pretrial Services launched a virtual tour aimed at fellow pretrial service providers and those stakeholders new to the Kentucky Court of Justice process.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Watch e-Courts Conference Live

You may not have been able to get yourself to Las Vegas for the SOLD OUT e-Courts 2016, but you can still participate in the conference. NCSC is broadcasting a free live stream so everyone in the court community can take it in.

Program highlights includes: Keynote speaker Gary Marchant at 11:45 am (eastern) on Monday; three examples of online dispute resolution implementations at 5:45 pm (eastern) on Monday; and how to build a better court website at 12:35 pm (eastern) on Tuesday. The complete agenda is available on the eCourts conference website at

If you see this post on time you can click here to watch the online video stream.

Friday, December 9, 2016

AAERT Releases New Analysis Report on Digital Court Recording

Via press release - a new paper,  Analysis and Advantages of Digital Court Reporting and Recording in the Courts, Deposition, and Administrative Hearings Markets in Wilmington, Delaware was issued on November 28, 2016

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

This and That in Court Technology – December, 2016

In this month's edition, we have e-Courts information; some news items and announcements from Microsoft; Alameda County, California CMS problems; a new way to annotate legal briefs; and some holiday gift guides for last minute shopping.


Thursday, December 1, 2016

Is it Time to Rename CMS?

The term “Case Management Systems” has been appropriated for use in a much wider range of software applications such as insurance and financial organizations.  Is it time to rename and re-brand our main court automation systems?  Maybe?

Friday, November 18, 2016

My Favorite Browser Extensions

The CTB has been delving into a lot of serious subjects lately.  So I thought it was time for a little fun.  In this post, I share a note about my favorite Google Chrome browser extensions.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Maryland Courts Release Law Help Mobile App

Thanks to our good friend Bonnie Hough we learned that the Maryland Judiciary has a free mobile app that provides easy access to tools and resources to aid Marylanders in using the courts and getting legal help.  The Maryland Law Help app includes: self-help videos, court form finders, direct links to CALL or CHAT directly with an attorney at the Md. Courts Self-Help Center, access to the People's Law Library and court legal help pages, as well as  information on  law libraries, mediation and language access. The app is available for Apple and Android devices through the App Store and Google Play.  For more information see:

Congratulations to the Maryland Judiciary for some great work.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

This and That in Court Technology – October, 2016

Microsoft Surface Studio

It was a busy month in court technology. In this post we share news about judicial decision prediction system, a court rejecting e-signed documents, a new online traffic ticket mediation implementation, several Microsoft related technology announcements, and last call for the Australia legal and court technology conference registration.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Law Firms as an Electronic Filing Service Provider

We are pleased to share the following article by Mr. Dallas Powell, President of Tybera, Inc., an E-filing services company.  In the article he shares their experience with law firms and government agencies connecting directly to the court's EFM (E-Filing Manager) services.

Friday, October 14, 2016

US Federal Courts PACER Fees Litigation

US Federal Courthouse Las Cruces NM

An article posted at (Quartz) discusses the court case regarding fees for the public use of the US Federal Courts PACER system.  The article notes:
“the paywall that surrounds Pacer is facing what may be its most serious test since the service emerged 28 years ago. Judge Ellen Huvelle of the US district court in Washington DC is expected to decide in the coming days whether a lawsuit accusing the government of setting Pacer fees at unlawfully high rates can proceed. 
The case, which is seeking class-action certification, is being led by three nonprofits: the National Veterans Legal Service Program, the National Consumer Law Center, and the Alliance for Justice. Each group says it has downloaded documents from Pacer and incurred charges alleged to exceed the cost of providing the records. All say the setup violates the E-Government Act of 2002, which authorizes the judiciary to “prescribe reasonable fees”—and which the plaintiffs argue should limit the government to charge users “only to the extent necessary” to make the information available.”
The full article is worth reading because it provides some explanation of fee waivers and, the total amount of revenue generated that supports court automation that is not provided by Congress in budget appropriation.  We would also point out that there are additional issues such as costs relating to data privacy, redaction, and management that are not addressed in the article.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Court Case Management Systems Part 18: Decision Support

In the previous post in our series we discussed Court Case Management Systems (CCMS) Dashboards that support case process, management information, and decisions.  In other words, information that makes our “court process factory” more efficient.  And the key purpose of case management is to organize data (and insure completeness) so that it can in turn be converted into information for cases to be adjudicated and decisions rendered.

But what’s next?  We think that one part of the answer is to integrate and extend the judicial decision support functionality into the CCMS itself. We explain below…

Friday, September 30, 2016

ROSS – Artificial Intelligent Lawyer

IBM Watson - Home of ROSS
Earlier this week I heard about ROSS for the first time from the brilliant Snorri Ogata of the Los Angeles Superior Court at the NAPCO Conference in Cleveland.  So I had to learn more…

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

This and That in Court Technology – September, 2016

Attendees enjoying e-Courts

We share news about the e-Courts 2016 Conference, the Federal Courts test of prisoner electronic access kiosks, news in the search for a quiet keyboard - now in portable form, questions raised about Australian use of court videoconferencing, a Blockchain notarization service, and a new court podcast in Florida.

Friday, September 16, 2016

NCSC Court Tech Positions Announced

The National Center for State Courts - Court Consulting Services Division in collaboration with Technology Services has openings for two positions:

1. Senior Court Technology Consultant, Band W316; Salary depends on qualification.
2. Principal Court Technology Consultant, Band D418; Salary depends on qualification.

Positions are open until filled; however, for first consideration, submit applications by Monday, October 3, 2016 until 5:00 pm. EDT.

To apply for any of these positions, go to our web page at: and click on NCSC domestic jobs. First time users will need to register before applying.  Positions are being advertised internally and externally at the same time.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Argentina's Center for Judicial Information

For many years I have been an admirer for the Argentina Judiciary’s Center for Judicial Information website.  I think that it is one of the best judicial websites in the world and it is one that should be studied and monitored by other judiciaries.  Via our good friend, Mr. Luis Maria Palma, President of E-Justicia Latinoamerica and a Vice-President of the International Association for Court Administration we were able to contact Ms. Maria Bourdin, who late last year was named as head of their Ministry of Communication and Open Government.  She was kind enough to answer our questions and share information regarding their excellent court website.