Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Beam (my language) up, Simultaneous Interpretation Feature Added to Virtual Proceedings Platforms

Created by Yu luck, Noun Project
By Konstantina Vagenas, NCSC

At the onset of the pandemic, courts pivoted overnight to virtual hearings to comply with health and safety guidelines.  Court interpreters were required to provide their services remotely via court-approved and licensed videoconferencing platforms. Among these, WebEx and Zoom were the most common. The major challenge in these proceedings was the absence of an integrated, simultaneous interpretation channel, which interpreters overcame by adding an additional audio device, usually a personal mobile phone—a suboptimal solution.  Within a few weeks, the court interpreting world was abuzz with the advantages offered by Zoom’s embedded simultaneous court interpreting channels. Like characters in Star Trek, interpreters were being “beamed up” to virtual courtrooms.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Webinars, Videos, and Bears Oh My!


Just kidding about the Bears.  There have been a lot of training and information sessions posted online lately plus some court pandemic response training and ODR news.  Check it out below.

Monday, November 1, 2021

Nevada AOC Issues CMS RFP

The Nevada Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC), a judicial branch department that assists the Supreme Court of Nevada with the administration of the Nevada courts, invites submissions of offers for up-to-three AOC-sponsored, integrated, comprehensive, case management system(s) (CMS) and associated implementation services in compliance with the requirements and terms set forth in this RFP.

Please see; https://nvcourts.gov/AOC/Procurements/ for details. Vendors, please monitor the webpage for updates. The deadline for submission of offers is December 13, 2021, at 3:00 PM Pacific Time.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

The IJIS Courts Advisory Committee (ICAC) Presents Digital Evidence Training Event


Via press release from the IJIS Institute:

Over the past several years, our society has seen an influx of advanced technology solutions that have made available a tsunami of structured and unstructured data about our lives, our public safety, and our disputes. As a result, law enforcement, prosecutors, defense counsels, the private bar, and the courts are all faced with an abundant amount of data (both relevant and irrelevant) for investigations, discovery, and court cases. The collection of this data ultimately requires a great deal of time and effort by public safety and criminal justice practitioners globally. How should our law enforcement and court communities adapt to this increased demand for the collection, vetting, management, and sharing of digital evidence?

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

This and That in Court Technology - October 2021


Fall leaves via https://bit.ly/3vPp959

In this months post, we share news and notes from Tiny Chat on Text Messaging, a very nice online forms website from Washington state, news regarding a new US federal judiciary vulnerability policy, news of good work being done by the District Court in Bernalillo County, New Mexico, practical information on PDF file formats from the US Library of Congress, and a last-minute call for participation in the annual Trends in State Courts report.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Some Practical Advice on File Naming Conventions


Continuing with our practical advice October...

Courts create a lot of document files.  Some of those files get uploaded, saved, and organized in the court's case management or electronic document management systems.  And some courts use tools like SharePoint.  But even these tools can benefit from a consistent useful file naming standard.  I looked online and found two excellent pages on the subject. 

More below…

Friday, October 8, 2021

Authentication, E-Signatures. and Signet Rings

 A recent Law.com article noted the wider adoption of e-signatures by lawyers (you know, our court users). But what is the historic basis for this?  Signet rings. We discuss this below...


Friday, October 1, 2021

Closing the Electronic Loop and Automating Processes Along the Way


John Gustafson & Jim McMillan at CTC2021

We are happy to share the winner of the CTC McMillan Scholarship, John Gustafson, Data Quality Manager, First Judicial Circuit of Florida.  I was happy to meet John at the conference and learn more about his great work for the court.  His award winning submission follows.