Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Millions and Millions Served

An original McDonald's Restaurant

When I was young, the US fast food restaurant, McDonald’s would display that they had sold over 1 million and later 2 million hamburgers (see picture at the left).  Court E-filing has been like that.  Slow adoption at first.  But now after 20 years, there are now millions of E-filings recorded.


This article was precipitated by Tyler Technologies announcing in a press release that the Texas courts had received their 20 millionth e-filing envelope via the eFileTexas system.  They estimate that this represents over 100 million pieces of paper.

So, what about other states?  Here are a few.

The Alabama courts, in their 2014 Annual Report (PDF) wrote that they had received 49.5 million documents and over 94.5 million images in the five year period starting in 2009.  They had also received $22.3 million from their AlaPay system with an additional $35.5 million from AlaFile.

Colorado courts reported in their February 2016 (PDF) newsletter that in 2015 they filed 193,469 new cases with 2.98 million documents received for both new and existing cases.

The Florida Courts E-Filing Portal reported in their 2016 Annual Repor (PDF) that their system had 122,584 users including over 40,000 self-represented litigants.  During the year these users made 15.28 million E-filing submissions comprising 22.87 million individual documents.

Iowa courts report that they receive on average over 600,000 electronically filed documents per month in 2016 from more than 130,000 registered users.  They store more than 20 million documents in their EDMS or more than 4.4 terabytes of data.

Oregon reported in their 2016 Annual Report (PDF) that they received $20.7 million dollars in ePayments and $22 million dollars in File & Serve (E-filing) payments. Their E-filing and service system is mandatory for their Bar members.

And the Wisconsin Courts recently reported that their Circuit Court eFiling project processed more than 150,000 new case filings with more than 1 million documents for more than 50,000 eCourts accounts in their first year of operation.

McDonald’s had to update their signs to “Billions Served”.  The courts can do the same.

Please feel free to share any statistics you have for your court in the comments below.


  1. James, Georgia is an interesting case study in competition-driven electronic filing. We would love to tell you all about the state of the market here.

  2. Ryan, I am looking forward to learning more.

  3. In Georgia - eFileGA has close to 200K registered users, processing almost 2M documents annually, representing most of the large counties but not the entire state. Glad to help with stats on other states too if interested – Tyler provides e-filing in 25 states

  4. In the 2017 Annual Report New York says that they have received 1.6 million e-filings since they started the program. See:

  5. James, thanks for the article, which is of great interest to me and my team at eFileFAST, a new platform that aims to make it easier to e-file in New York State. See:
