Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Status of State Court E-Filing – January, 2016

Last week I was asked about the status of E-filing in the state courts. Below is the compilation of information and project website links for the states and territories that I could find in January, 2016.


One other observation. I think that there may be a significant “gap” that exists for final E-filing roll-out in states; particularly with non-unified state court organizational structures?  States that are providing a state portal or similar infrastructure that supports the smaller jurisdictions, who don’t have the technical or financial resources, are doing a great service for equal access to justice.  This "front-end" service provides many benefits such as single point of access for users as well as technical support for Electronic Filing Service Providers (EFSP) that allow filers to choose additional capabilities.

But I think that in many instances the systems could do more by providing EDMS (electronic document management services) capabilities for these small courts.  This is where the “cloud” services can come into play (and again perhaps via an API to the E-filing systems?).

So more work to do...

Last, please send me any corrections and updates.  If they are significant I will re-post or write an update note in a future post.

State E-Filing Information
Alabama AlaFile is implemented statewide (http://efile.alacourt.gov )
Quick links for Appellate and Trial Courts E-Filing plus rules is available at: http://judicial.alabama.gov/
Alaska The project website: http://courts.alaska.gov/lynx/ and with milestones, schedule and FAQ listed at: http://courts.alaska.gov/lynx/lynx.htm#schedule
Arizona The E-filing project is called AZTurboCourt and the project information page is available at: http://www.azcourts.gov/azturbocourtinformation/
Arkansas The eFile project web page is: https://courts.arkansas.gov/administration/acap/efile
California Individual courts have E-filing installed in California. We have identified the following courts: Orange, LA (small claims), SF, Sacramento, Contra Costa, Santa Clara, San Bernardino, San Luis Obispo, 1st, 2nd, and 4th District Court of Appeals.
Tyler Odyssey e-FileCA (http://www.odysseyefileca.com/ ) lists Superior Courts in Fresno, Kern, Kings, Merced, San Luis Obispo, and Santa Barbara as operational as of January, 2016. They list Alameda, Calaveras, Monterey, Orange, San Diego, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz as joining in the near future.
Colorado A statewide AOC built system called ICCES was implemented in 2012. They are rolling out Criminal case E-filing starting in late 2015. The project web site is: https://www.courts.state.co.us/Administration/Unit.cfm?Unit=efile
Connecticut AOC built E-filing for civil cases. Their E-Services website is: http://www.jud.ct.gov/external/super/E-Services/efile/
Effective January 1, 2016 they have made E-Filing mandatory for all non-exempt attorneys in their Appellate Courts.
Delaware Delaware eFLEX system is used for the Court of Common Pleas and Justice of the Peace Court. CaseFileXpress is used in the Supreme Court, Court of Chancery, and Superior Court. The E-filing project web page is: http://courts.delaware.gov/efiling/ 
District of Columbia E-filing is available in Probate, Civil, Tax, and Family-Juvenile Division. They use CaseFileXpress The program web page is: http://www.dccourts.gov/internet/legal/efiling.jsf
Florida Florida Court Clerks Statewide E-filing system portal is located at: https://www.myflcourtaccess.com/ The project status page at: http://www.flcourts.org/gen_public/technology/e-filinginfostatus.shtml
Georgia The Georgia Superior Court Clerk's Cooperative Authority has implemented a statewide portal project at: https://efile.gsccca.org/Home.aspx A list of participating counties is located there.
Additional E-filing services are provided at the Odyssey eFileGA service. Information is available at: http://www.odysseyefilega.com/
There is also PEACHCOURT that provides eFiling and document access services. Their website is: https://www.peachcourt.com/
And they have I-CAN self-help available at: http://www.legalican.com/georgia
Guam The Supreme Court of Guam has E-Filing. Their web site is: http://www.guamsupremecourt.com/Efiling/efile.html
Hawaii Judiciary Electronic Filing and Service System (JEFS) statewide system web page is: http://www.courts.state.hi.us/legal_references/efiling.html
The Hawaii Supreme Court and the Hawaii Intermediate Court of Appeals take electronic filings as of September 27, 2010. The Hawaii State District Courts take electronic filings on criminal cases as of August 13, 2012.
Idaho As part of their iCourt project, they have implemented mandatory E-Filing in Twin Falls County starting on January 11, 2016. The overview web page is: http://icourt.idaho.gov/efileoverview According to the project timeline they are planning for full implementation by the end of 2017.
Illinois Illinois Supreme Court approved E-filing standards in October, 2012. The http://www.illinoiscourts.gov/ website currently lists availability in the following courts as of January, 2016. They are: Supreme Court, Circuit Courts in Cook, DeKalb, DuPage, Lake, Madison, McHenry, Montgomery, Moultrie, Sangamon, St. Clair, Will, and Winnebago counties. The E-Business Electronic Filing project web page with more detailed information is available at: http://www.illinoiscourts.gov/EBusiness/Electronic_Filing.asp
Indiana According to the Statewide E-Filing web page (http://www.in.gov/judiciary/4267.htm ) “The Indiana Supreme Court is implementing a statewide e-filing system that will allow cases to be filed entirely online, reducing the need for costly paper copies, postage and trips to the clerk's office. The project was announced in 2014, and the first courts will be up-and-running with the new system in 2015. It is anticipated that e-filing will be implemented statewide by the end of 2018.”
A project timeline page is available at: http://www.in.gov/judiciary/4273.htm
Iowa According to their eFiling web page: http://www.iowacourts.gov/eFiling/Overview/ , as of June 30, 2015 every county district court is accepting electronic filing for all matters. In addition, efiling is beginning in the Appellate Court on January 21, 2016 (http://www.iowacourts.gov/wfdata/frame7472-1235/File199.pdf )
Kansas Kansas tracks e-filing implementation on this web page: http://www.kscourts.org/Cases-and-Opinions/E-filing/default.asp A significant number of courts have implemented e-Filing and the Supreme and Court of Appeals made it mandatory as of 11/2/2015.
Kentucky As of November 18, 2015, eFiling is available in all 120 counties in the state. The project was initiated in December, 2013. The project web page including implementation timeline and training is at: http://courts.ky.gov/efiling/Pages/default.aspx
Louisiana E-Filing systems are implemented in the following courts:
Maine Maine Probate Court (http://www.maineprobate.net/index.html) has implemented EZ-File at: https://www.maineprobate.net/EFiling/default.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fefiling
CJ Saufley called for a $15 million dollar bond to support E-filing in 2/14: http://goo.gl/AwRJ3A
Maryland E-filing is being implemented as part of the Tyler Odyssey / Maryland Electronic Courts (MDEC) program. The E-filing website is located at: http://www.courts.state.md.us/mdec/efiling.html
E-Filing in District Court in Prince George’s County has been implemented for Landlord & Tenant matters. See: http://www.courts.state.md.us/district/efile/efilemain.html
Massachusetts A contract has been awarded for a joint efiling initiative for both appellate courts and the trial court. The contract calls for six initial pilots, three in the appellate courts and three in the trial court. Presently Appellate pilots are operational in the Supreme Judicial Court, and the SJC Suffolk County Court, and in the Trial Court in the Worcester Division of the District Court and the Brighton Division of the Boston Municipal Court. The final pilots will soon be launched in the Appeals Court and the Essex Division of the Probate and Family Court.
Also, the Supreme Judicial Court has issued Electronic Filing Pilot Project rules that will took effect on February 25, 2015. (http://www.mass.gov/courts/case-legal-res/rules-of-court/sjc/efiling-order.html )
Michigan Legislation passed in the Michigan legislature in 12/15
E-Filing is currently available in the following courts:
Minnesota Started statewide E-filing roll-out in 2012. The system is hosted by Tyler Technologies and is located at: https://minnesota.tylerhost.net/
The project status page is located at: http://www.mncourts.gov/File-a-Case/File-in-A-District-Trial-Court/eFSRollout.aspx
Mississippi E-filing is being implemented as part of the Mississippi Electronic Courts (MEC) project. The project web page is located at: https://courts.ms.gov/mec/mec.html
Missouri Statewide E-filing implementation has been completed. Their project web page is: http://www.courts.mo.gov/page.jsp?id=46542
The schedule web page showing court by court implementation is: http://www.courts.mo.gov/page.jsp?id=46524 .
Montana State E-Filing web page is: http://courts.mt.gov/efile Implementation has been completed for the Supreme Court and is continuing in the District Courts.
Nebraska Statewide implementation. The Court’s E-Services web page is located at: http://supremecourt.ne.gov/e-services
An informational video is posted at: https://supremecourt.nebraska.gov/13606/efiling-eservice-enotice-informational-video
Nevada E-Filing is available at:
New Hampshire Project website: http://www.courts.state.nh.us/nh-e-court-project/index.htm
Implementation status web page: http://www.courts.state.nh.us/circuitcourt/efilingcourts.htm
New Jersey Statewide JEFIS for special civil cases and foreclosures is implemented. See: http://www.judiciary.state.nj.us/jefis/index.htm
Appellate Division eFiling System (NJ eDATA) us available at: http://www.judiciary.state.nj.us/appdiv/eDATA/
Tax Court of New Jersey - http://www.judiciary.state.nj.us/taxcourt/ , help page is located at: http://www.judiciary.state.nj.us/WebHelpTaxCourt/eCourtsTax_Court-eFiling.htm
New Mexico E-filing services page for their statewide implementation is located at: http://www.nmcourts.com/efiling/
New York New York Courts E-filing (NYSCEF) implemented in a number of courts. See: https://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/nyscef/HomePage
An implementation list is provided at: https://iappscontent.courts.state.ny.us/NYSCEF/live/authorizedForEfiling.htm
North Carolina Supreme Court and Court of Appeals Electronic Filing website is located at: https://www.ncappellatecourts.org/
Trial Courts E-filing pilot system website is located at: https://www.efiling.nccourts.org/ and is limited to Alamance, Chowan, Davidson and Wake counties.
North Carolina Business Court: http://www.ncbusinesscourt.net/New/app2efile/
North Dakota E-filing project website: http://www.ndcourts.gov/cle/ Tyler hosting link: https://northdakota.tylerhost.net/ (JMc 2/13)
Ohio Supreme Court e-Filing website is: https://www.supremecourt.ohio.gov/Clerk/eFiling/
Trial courts with E-filing include Franklin, Montgomery, Cuyahoga, Summit, Hamilton, and Wayne counties as well as Cleveland Municipal Court.
Oklahoma Oklahoma has completed the initial requirements and design and the documents are under review pending revisions and approval.  They are targeting one or two pilot counties on line by the 3rd or 4th quarter of 2016.
E-filing court rules: http://www.oscn.net/applications/oscn/DeliverDocument.asp?CiteID=466069
Oregon E-filing web page is at: http://courts.oregon.gov/OJD/OnlineServices/OJDeFiling/Pages/index.aspx The following counties have implemented: Benton, Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, Crook, Curry, Deschutes, Douglas, Gilliam, Hood River, Jackson, Jefferson, Josephine, Klamath, Lake, Lane, Lincoln, Linn, Marion, Multnomah, Polk, Sherman, Tillamook, Wasco, Wheeler and Yamhill.
Pennsylvania PACfile’s web page is: https://ujsportal.pacourts.us/AttorneyServices.aspx
Rhode Island The statewide E-filing page is: https://www.courts.ri.gov/efiling//Pages/default.aspx
South Carolina The statewide E-filing page is: http://www.judicial.state.sc.us/efiling/
South Dakota E-filing is part of the Tyler Technologies Odyssey system. The project web page is: http://ujs.sd.gov/Odyssey_System/
Tennessee On November 6, 2015, the Tennessee Supreme Court adopted a revised Rule 46, which will help pave the way for electronic filing of cases in the state appellate courts.
The report from the Task Force on Electronic Filing in the Appellate Courts to the Supreme Court is available at: http://www.tsc.state.tn.us/sites/default/files/e-filingreportandrecommendations2-14-06.pdf
Shelby County - https://efile.shelbycountytn.gov/
Texas In December 2012, the Texas Supreme Court mandated e-filing in civil matters. Today, all 254 Texas counties, the Supreme Court, the Court of Criminal Appeals and the 14 Courts of Appeal use e-filing. Out of 254 counties, 62 are mandatory meaning attorneys are no longer able to file paper documents at the clerk's counter. E-filing in all other counties will become mandatory on a graduated schedule through July 1, 2016. http://www.efiletexas.gov/
The list of service providers is located at: http://www.efiletexas.gov/service-providers.htm
Utah The statewide E-filing web page is: http://www.utcourts.gov/efiling/
Vermont The statewide E-filing web page is: https://www.vermontjudiciary.org/MasterPages/eservices-efiling.aspx
Virginia VJEFS - In April of 2013, OES successfully launched the Virginia Judiciary Electronic Filing System (VJEFS) as a pilot in Norfolk Circuit Court (http://icourt.info/efiling.html ).

VJEFS is now installed in the following Circuit Courts: Bedford, Bristol, Caroline, Chesapeake, Danville, Dickenson, Dinwiddie, Fredericksburg, Hanover, Isle of Wight, Lee, Montgomery, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Prince William, Pulaski, Richmond City, Roanoke City, Roanoke County, Rockingham/Harrisonburg, Smyth, Staunton, Tazewell, Washington, Williamsburg/James City County

In addition, Arlington County has “Project Paperless”. The website is: http://courts.arlingtonva.us/circuit-court/project-paperless/
Washington E-Filing is implemented in the following courts:
Statewide Tyler Odyssey CMS project web page is: http://www.courts.wa.gov/?fa=home.sub&org=sccms&layout=2
West Virginia The state’s E-filing web pages is at: http://www.courtswv.gov/lower-courts/mlp/e-filing.html
Wisconsin The statewide E-filing implementation web page is at: http://www.wicourts.gos 7v/ecourts/efilecircuit.htm
Wyoming The state’s E-filing web page is at: http://www.courts.state.wy.us/Home/EFiling 
Puerto Rico None found
U.S. Virgin Islands The territories E-filing website is at: http://www.visupremecourt.org/Electronic_Filing/
American Samoa  None found (however they signed a contract with New Dawn/Journal Technologies for court automation)
Northern Mariana Is.  None found


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Jim, thanks so much for this update -- much appreciated!

  3. I have included updates from New Jersey and Illinois (thanks to Skip and Jack!) on a separate web page that is located at:


    As updates are received I will include them there and note them in the CTB. Thanks to all for your help.

  4. Hello Jim and thank you, as always, for your diligence. Regarding CA, SLO did go live a/o 1-1 (the info. you show for Tyler, both current and coming is accurate. San Diego is coming for Family Law but has been live in Civil inc. Complex, Probate, Coordinated proceedings and Const. Defect case types for quite some time (3-4-13 for Civil etc. and 10-1-13 for Probate). Same for Orange (live in 2010). The "coming" is referring to Family Law case types. I hope this is helpful.

  5. Oh, and I almost forgot. Stanislaus County is in testing right now and should be officially live in March (current date is March 1).

  6. Impressive! I really like your blog.
    Thanks for the post.
    Documents for IT filing

  7. Thank you for compiling this list. Is there any more recent update to it? I believe there have been some changed in a few states. Thank you!

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. We haven't had a chance to update it since we last posted. Maybe early in 2018? The biggest challenge is the non-unified states where each county/circuit can implement their own systems such as Florida and Ohio. So any updates you learn please feel free to send them along?

  10. I did an update to this list in August, 2019 - here is the link: https://courttechbulletin.blogspot.com/2019/08/2019-state-court-e-filing-program.html

  11. I don't get why anyone would want to get their record expunged when the odyssey portal puts ones record out there for all employers to see even if they have their record expunged. The expungement is included at the end of the minute order but doesn't really matter at that point. I understand it maybe illegal for employers to look potential applicants up like this but you know they do it anyways. Maybe I'm confused and there is a way my sister can get her expunged record off the odyssey portal completely and if there is please I'm all ears.
