In Part 1 of this series we looked at
the ability to create XML meta-data identifiers in commonly used word
processing and PDF applications. In this part we will explore the
benefits of electronic forms identification.
As noted in Part 1, the “forms
identification problems” are threefold. First, there is a need for
CMS and E-filing systems to be able to easily recognize an E-form so
that it can be routed (via automated work flow) to the proper
department or person in the court. Second, and more important, the
submitted forms ARE in many instances the contents of the case file
and should therefore be viewed both technically and operationally as
part of the CMS database. And third, because documents and forms are
very often used by individually by themselves without a CMS/EDMS to
provide a reference as to their origin and purpose that in turn
provides more efficiently retrieval by the legal system information
users. Each of these points will be addressed in the following
Automatic Forms Routing
In manual court
systems, the forms simply by their title often help a filer to locate
the proper part of the clerks office to submit their document. A
“small claims” pleading would go to, you guessed it, the small
claims division. But most (I can think of only a few exceptions)
current E-filing systems do not have the ability to “read” the
documents being submitted. Therefore, submitters are asked a series
of questions regarding the document that is being sent to the court
(this approach was pioneered by the US Federal Courts in 1996).
These questions are needed in order to identify and route the
document to the proper section of the clerk/registry for review and
But, if the form was “self identifying” via meta-data, some or
all of the questions wouldn't be needed. And since I would further
argue that a majority of court document filings use court forms, this
would significantly reduce redundant questioning and data entry work
by the filer. And in turn this approach reduce costs to the
litigants and improves the accuracy of the form work flow in the
receiving court.
Forms IN the CMS
We have writtenabout XML and court case management databases in 2006; but have yet
to see courts use these capabilities despite the fact that documents
contain much more information for decision support, research, and
statistical analysis than a what a CMS relational database (designed
to support court operational processes) could ever hope to address.
This is because relational databases have a fundamental constraint,
they aren't flexible. The information containers (fields) and table
relationships have to be set and built in the initial database
design. And for court operations this is good. But to describe the
case inputs and decision outputs via relatively locked relational
design is a poor solution simply because civil and criminal justice
systems operate and are governed by laws results in messy data that
is best captured in a form and/or document.
But I also think
that a significant problem and opportunity in using XML forms data as
part of the case management system is that it is difficult to search
and find the document data “in context”. Context is important
because one wants to normally search for data by case type or even a
specific event such as in the instances of a charging, sentencing, or
modification of sentence forms. Librarians provide context by
categorizing information in the catalogs. Similarly, court forms
inherently provide this context simply because forms are designed to
address a specific court decision or process need. If the forms are
identified via their meta-data, that allows the court's automation
systems to index and search by the type (the context) of the form.
example, often courts receive policy questions that were not
anticipated during the CMS or database design such as how many filers
checked a particular status box? When these questions arise court
staff must search through the documents in the case type files for
the answer. But wouldn't it help if say for example one knew that
the answer was on a particular form? If one could just call the list
of those forms or better yet, just search for the answer in a
particular form it would significantly speed and ease both the policy
research and the results.
Forms Usage

information users should be allowed to search and retrieve (or even
subscribe) to particular forms via their meta-tag identification
information. And once retrieved, there is an additional advantage in
that if a registered user has downloaded sentencing/judgment
documents and, subsequently the court issues a modification of
sentence or judgment, those users could be notified of new, related, or order modifying documents.
Potential Reference Fields
In researching
this article I looked at several state's online forms libraries. I
found the following data fields that were inconsistently applied.
- Case type
- Case sub-type
- Source – state, county, circuit, court
- Form name
- Form number
- Active Date
- Revision Date
- End Date
- Version
- Confidentiality flag
addition the National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) has
the following identifiers for forms that are of some, but not perfect
- j:IncidentForm
- j:IndidentFormName
- j:IncidentFormType
- j:IncidentFormComment
- j:IncidentFormSubmittedIndicator
Future Action
The final format
of the identifier is of less consequence versus the completeness
of the information. Each field could be identified by a separate XML meta-data tag. This is preferable. But because of possible PDF limitations,
the concatenated approach might be easier to implement. And when the issue is model "purity" compared to something that is easily implemented, I normally choose the latter.
concatenated I mean that the fields could be grouped into one line
just like we have done in court case numbers for more than 100 years. For
Type-Source-Form Number-Active Date-Version-Confidentiality Flag
As long as the
order and separators are consistent, the technologists can deal with
it via E-filing.
Therefore, I would
like to propose that the ideas presented here are something that our
court standards groups such as the COSCA/NACM Joint TechnologyCommittee, CITOC, or OASIS-Open LegalXML, and perhaps others elsewhere could
consider and study.
Your ideas?
Comments? Please feel free to share below.
Or in the US Federal Courts example, automatically
docketed/registered into their CM/ECF system.
While I would love to see courts implement this on their own, what role do you see for the private sector in adding such metadata, and what technical challenges you see to adding the metadata after courts publish forms?
ReplyDeleteOne advantage might be to have a single standard that is applied to all forms across the country.
Vendors can join and work with Oasis Open or else work with court representatives through the other organizations. Thank you for your support of the idea.
ReplyDeleteHi, thank you very much for help. I am going to test that in the near future. Cheers
Electronic Document