Friday, July 22, 2022

The IJIS Institute’s Summer Briefing: Addressing Violence in America: Sharing Information to Reduce Harm and Improve Safety


Per e-mail press release:

The IJIS Institute’s Summer Briefing is right around the corner and scheduled for August 30th - September 1st, 2022, at the Omni Orlando Resort in Champions Gate, Florida. Check out the recently published agenda for additional insights on the fantastic lineup of guest speakers, critical topics to be addressed, and a comprehensive schedule that includes numerous networking opportunities for attendees. “

Click here for the full agenda (PDF)

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Criminal Justice Algorithm Predicts Risk of Biased Sentencing


The above-titled article posted on the GovTech website discussed some recent research of interest to courts.

“Researchers created an algorithm that predicts risks of biased, overly punitive sentencing. The tool performs with similar accuracy — and similar limits — to risk assessment algorithms already used to influence pretrial and parole decisions, authors say.