Monday, January 7, 2013

Arizona Courts Release Judicial Decision Support RFP

The  Arizona  Supreme  Court  is  requesting proposals  from  qualified  bidders  to  provide  an  automated  judicial  decision  support system  designed  to  reduce  the  courts  reliance  on  paper  that  will  allow  for  real-time updating  and  viewing  of  digital  case  documents.

To download a PDF copy of the RFP click here.

Pennsylvania Expands Internet Access to Case Records

Via Press Release, January 7, 2013 - Pennsylvania CMS Internet access to records expanded.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

E-Courts 2012 Wrap-Up

I hope that many of your reading this post were able to attend last week’s E-Courts 2012 Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada.  This article discusses some highlights.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Singapore E-Courts Presentation

The Singapore Supreme Court presentation on their new Integrated Electronic Litigation System (iLES) at the E-Courts 2012 conference is available for viewing/download by clicking here.

CTC 2013 Super Saver Rate Announced

The NCSC announced a special super-saver rate for next years Court Technology Conference to be held in Baltimore, Maryland from September 17-19, 2012.  The rate is $500 and is available until December 31, 2012.  Click on the "Register Now" link at the conference website to sign up.

E-Courts 30 Tech Tips in 30 MInutes

The Tuesday, December 11, 2012 E-Courts Conference presentation by NCSC staff, 30 Tech Tips in 30 Minutes is available by clicking here.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Massachusetts Courts Release E-Filing Pilot RFP

The Massachusetts Courts have released an RFP to pilot E-filing services for several of their courts.  To access the RFP go to their Commonwealth's Procurement and Solicitation System Comm-Pass at and search (see bottom of the page) for reference document number "MATCourts 2012 1"